FIRE! escape

This is a game about throwing things out windows in order to save them from a house fire.

The game was created for VimJam 5, with the focus of Racing and theme of Escape.

In this game you are racing the clock and trying to escape bankruptcy. Fire will spread from item-to-item, but also from the house itself to any item within it, so nothing is safe until it has been removed. Eventually everything inside will burn away and be lost.

You, as the player, are fireproof. So don't worry about hurting yourself.  Pick up items that are on fire and throw them outside to smother the flames.


Mouse sensitivity can be adjusted in the pause menu while the game is being played (ESC to pause). It's not present in the main menu options (my bad)!

WASD/arrows walk
space jump
left click/Epick up/throw item
right click/R (hold)rotate held item with mouse
ESCtoggle pause



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